Today, HPV infection is one of the most common and most important sexually transmitted diseases (the infection is primarily sexually transmitted), infecting most of the sexually active population on the planet. The peak of HPV infection occurs at the age of 18-25 and gradually decreases after 30 years, when the frequency of dysplasia and cervical cancer increases significantly, the peak occurs at 45 years of age.
Clinics conduct diagnosis of human papillomavirus infection, as well as procedures to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases after normal sexual intercourse.
At least 50% of the sexually active adult population is infected with one or more types of HPV, and in most cases their genital HPV infection is undetected, subclinical or asymptomatic. Genital HPV infection is very contagious and acquired during the first few sexual encounters; infection with just one sexual intercourse occurs in about 60% of cases.
Risk factors for human papillomavirus infection
Recent studies have determined that HPV is an essential but insufficient factor in cervical neoplasm. Risk factors for the development of the disease can be:
- Cellular and humoral immune disorders
- unfavorable socio-economic situation;
- sexual behavior;
- concurrently suffering from sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, chlamydia, trichomonas, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. );
- anemia and anemia;
- youth;
- smoke;
- pregnancy;
- bacterial vaginosis.
The virus is also sometimes passed from mother to child during the womb and during birth. In addition, pregnancy is a trigger for tumor expression and growth, as well as cancer transition. This is due to a decrease in immune defenses and a change in hormone levels.
Usually, one is faced with a situation when a patient diagnosed with human papillomavirus (HPV) has a high risk of causing cancer. As a rule, the doctor immediately announced that there is a risk of developing cervical cancer. Usually, an aggressive treatment is indicated immediately, a biopsy is performed, however, in general, it is not clearly explained what really happened and what the future prognosis is. . So if you have a high risk of causing human papilloma (HPV) detected by PCR, this doesn't mean you need to panic. There is nothing serious about this finding, it is just an excuse to undergo a proper examination.
Examination of the cervix, to identify human papillomavirus infection that threatens cancer and related damage to the cervix, continues to be an essential part of health care and every woman should rememberthe need to "pass" it.
How long does it take to screen and when does it begin?
It is important to note that the greatest number of cervical lesions, including severe lesions, occurs in early reproductive age. Therefore, screening for cervical pathology should be started as soon as possible after starting sexual activity. Cervical cell screening should be done between the age of 18 or from the age when sexual intercourse begins. Only by doing this, the number of women who are diagnosed with the disease late can be reduced.
What can be done to prevent the development of cervical cancer?
- Once a year, it is mandatory to undergo an examination by a gynecologist with a mandatory examination of the cervix - colposcopy.
- A simple cervical exam is not enough - certain tests have to be done. That is, to answer two questions: do you have human papillomas and whether there are changes in cervical cells that are likely to lead to the development of cervical cancer.
Usually, in conventional clinics and laboratories, a simple cytology and a PCR smear are performed to identify the virus (that is, an analysis is simply an answer to the answer. ask - is there this virus or not). These analyzes have a number of drawbacks that can significantly affect their accuracy.
Disadvantages of conventional cytology and PCR smear:
A stain from the cervix is carried out with a flat brush and the material is "smeared" on the glass. Inside:
- the doctor may not remove cells from the entire surface of the cervix;
- When applied to glass, a stain is obtained with an unevenly applied material (which is thicker, where it is thinner), which does not allow the cytologist to fully examine and accurately evaluate allboth cells are obtained;
- Glass with lubrication stain can be "clogged", which also affects the quality of the evaluation of the cells obtained.
The results of a PCR test will indicate whether the human papillomavirus virus is present. It cannot be used to gauge this viral load, and that's very important.
So at present, the most accurate method of diagnosis isliquid cytology method.
The essence of this method is that the material is taken from the cervix with a special brush which, due to its design, allows you to take cells from the entire surface of the cervix and from the cervical canal. . Next, the brush is dipped into a special container with a solution. This solution "preserves" the cell material collected by the doctor, prevents cell damage, allows one to overcome the "contamination" caused by bacteria and can transport the collected cells. to the laboratory in optimal conditions.
For both his doctor and patient, the advantages of using liquids are its ability to resist temperature fluctuations, the ability to store cellular matter for several years, and the ability to conduct tests. Complementary or essential for all genital infections, including genetic testing for human papillomavirus. . .
A more important analysis can be performed from the solution obtained with the cells - identifying a specific protein. This protein identification may make the situation clear when identifying altered cells of the cervix, which have indirect signs of alteration. The discovery of this protein indicates that the cell is severely damaged, and it is highly likely that it will be malignant. The absence of this protein indicates that the intracellular defect is not dangerous and the possibility of malignant transformation is very little.
All studies can be performed from one vial with liquid cytology materials; the patient does not need to see an additional doctor, which means simultaneous or sequential implementation of cytology and genetic detection of the virus, and therefore, full screening of cervical lesions inThis case is facilitated to maximum.
The use of the liquid method to document to examine women for cervical infectious diseases is the most affordable and economically viable approach. But the most important thing is that this new technology helps to increase the effectiveness of cervical screening and not "miss" women with cervical lesions who have turned "precancerous".
During the study of the new research technique, a comparative analysis between traditional techniques and liquid cytology was performed. The results of the analysis of more than 100 traditional cervical smear, "suspicious" or "atypical" cervical cells were found only in every fifth woman and were the results. of a new liquid cytology study - in every second woman.
Such triple testing allows you to analyze the cells of the cervix with the highest possible precision and decide what to do next.
Such a test is not only important for women who have had changes in the cervix or have been diagnosed with the presence of human papillomaviruses. This test must be done back-up once a year, in which case you can be sure you don't miss possible changes in the cervix.